Rosemarie Alario, President-Elect

Current Job: President-Elect

Educational History:

Dear NCA Member,

I have been a school counselor for Freeport Public Schools since 2000. At Fairleigh Dickinson University, I earned a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Masters Degree in School Counseling from St. John’s University. While teaching in the Graduate School of Counseling at C.W. Post, I earned a Professional Diploma in School Administration.

Prior to becoming a School Counselor, I taught at the American School of Milan, in Italy. The best part of being a School Counselor is making a difference in the lives of my students. Nassau Counselors’ Association has been an integral part of my career. As a member of the executive board, I have organized conferences for elementary and middle school counselors at our yearly event. As a member of NCA for over 30 years, I am proud to be President-elect.

On the weekends, you can find me stone sculpting, hiking or fine dining out east.


Rosemarie Alario